List of my Portfolio Projects

Student Management Application

A Spring boot full-stack Application which helps maintains a list of students. It has three different views for three types of users: Teacher, Principal and Admin. It uses Spring MVC for front-end, Spring Security and Spring Web Services for back-end and Hibernate and Postgres for DB functions.


username | password
Abdul | kalam
Admin | password123
Badrri | global123

Age Tracker Application

This is a Full Stack Web application which uses React TypeScript, Golang and PostgreSQL. I have used Material UI, prettier and ESLint for maintaining code standard and to make the App visually appealing. For backend, Golang Gin Framework is used which is one of the fastest API frameworks. And, in Postgres, I have used Stored Procedure/Function for getting maximum DB performance efficiency.

Face Detector Application

A Single Page Web Application which detects faces from an input image URL. It has a fully functioning New User Registration and Login support. It was created using ReactJS as front-end language and Express.js as back-end language and it uses PostgreSQL for DB functions.

E-Commerce Application

A Single Page E-Commerce Web Application with functionality to update and new products to the list of items. It was created using ReactJS as front-end language and Express.js as back-end language and it uses PostgreSQL for DB functions.

Hotel Menu (A demo AngularJS App)

Created a dynamic Website using AngularJS App. It uses AngularJS as front-end and Java Spring boot as Back-end.

Robo Friends

A React Application which can dynamically filters robots based on User input search criterion. It was created using ReactJS and Redux.

Age Calculator & Birthday Finder

A simple HTML/CSS/JS application which calculates your age and day of birth using your Date of Birth.

Rock Paper Scissors

A simple web implementation of my favorite game of Rock Paper & Scissors.